Monday, April 30, 2018

Prayer for journalists after Kabul bombing that targeted them  Photo credit: Shah Marai

Heavenly Father, today we pray for the journalism community in Kabul and in other areas that are frequently rocked by terror attacks. We know that today’s double bombing--the first in a high-profile part of the city, followed by a bombing that deliberately targeted the journalists who rushed to the scene to do their jobs--will deeply affect those assigned to bring truth to light and faces to tragedy. We continue to despise terrorism. We are tired of these unceasing bombings intended to bully nations and cultures. We ask you to bring chaos within terror organizations that will lead to inefficiency, questioning their purpose, and ultimately the dismantling of these groups who seek to intentionally maim and kill. We pray that the people drawn to these groups will see truth, feel conviction and choose a different way of life. Lord, we pray for the wife and six children of veteran French photographer Shah Marai as they grieve the loss of their husband and father. May their family and friends rally around them to support and grieve with them, and may this family have clear direction for what to do next. We pray the same for the loved ones of the other seven journalists and 21 citizens killed in these twin attacks. We pray for the wounded, that they would recover physically and emotionally from their wounds. And we return again to praying for the journalists who will now always wonder whether they are being lured to their deaths. It is hard to know how to pray for them as they face this new level of very real danger. May those who should leave this profession or location do so without shame. May those who should remain shore up their courage and conviction. Provide them protection, peace and effectiveness. May their work make a difference, so their risks will be worthwhile each day. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Prayer about "wolf pack" rape case in Spain

Lord, today we pray about the “wolf pack” rape case in Spain. Along with the masses of protesters, we are bewildered by gang rape being named “sexual abuse.” We understand the righteous anger that is erupting throughout the nation. But, Lord, we ask that these protests remain peaceful, that the results of these demonstrations be truly productive and helpful to Spain in the long-run. We pray for the lawmakers who have admitted the law may need revision to truly take a close look, making sure all is sound and fair. We pray for the victim of this crime as she deals with the fact that her attackers only face nine years in prison for their violent crime against her. Continue to bring healing in her life. Continue to bring support. May those around her bring a balm of peace, rather than reopening wounds. We pray for the attackers, Lord. Bring deep conviction to them, that they might know deep in their souls that what they did was horrendously wrong. May they desire to truly turn their lives around, becoming men who will bring good to the world, rather than damage caused by selfishness. May your Spirit be very present in Spain this weekend as the nation seeks to deal with this messy, deeply saddening situation. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Prayer for Nicaragua as violent protests wind down

Heavenly Father, today we pray for Nicaragua as it seeks stability, following a week of violent protests. We are delighted to see roadblocks removed, schools reopened, and people encouraged to return to life as normal. Yet we also know that the peace is tenuous, particularly with a death toll of at least 34 people during the time of the unrest, as well as the unresolved issues that triggered the protests. Lord, we pray for each person and family to have wisdom about what to do and not do. Help parents to know when it is truly safe to return their children to school. We pray for businesses and organizations to recover from the looting and destruction. We pray for those who took advantage of a volatile situation for their own selfish gain to be found out, and to feel conviction and repent. And, Lord, we pray for the root issues surrounding President Daniel Ortega's government, the social security crisis, and what many citizens feel is repression. May truth come to light. May practical, helpful solutions rise to the surface. May the talks involving the government, employers' union COSEP, and church representatives honor you and bring about what is best for Nicaraguans. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Prayer for Toronto after van carnage and 

Lord, another day, another tragedy… we are very aware that we live in a fallen world. We choose to remember today that we focus on what lies ahead: eternity. We face each day with hope, because we know hope is found in Jesus Christ. Today, Heavenly Father, we acknowledge the senseless act of violence that took place in Toronto, Canada, yesterday. We are thankful for the efforts of the officer (identity not public at the time of this writing) who apprehended suspect Alek Minassian after Minassian intentionally drove over and into people along a busy street in Toronto, killing 10. Today we pray for the wheels of justice to move swiftly as Minassian appears in court at 10 AM ET. We also pray for insights into what drove this man to wreak such havoc and terror upon innocent bystanders. We pray for the grieving today, that you would carry them through this dark valley, soothing them with words of peace and hope. We pray for those who experienced the trauma of witnessing this incident. Bring healing to their hearts and minds. Help them find people who will provide support, encouragement and words of wisdom along the healing journey. We ask your blessing on the brave individuals, both officers and citizens, who acted with courage in the midst of carnage, protecting others and attempting to save lives. We are thankful for their example and their efforts. We pray for the city of Toronto today—that it would bounce back from this tragedy, and that citizens would respond not with fear, but by extending extra hope and kindness toward those around them in the days to come. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Prayer for Phyllis Omido and the residents of the Owino Uhuru village

Note the "rash" on this boy's leg.

Lord, today we pray for Phyllis Omido and the residents of the Owino Uhuru village in Kenya. Please watch over the people of this community as they deal with the dangerously high lead levels in the air and water of their area. Wherever possible, Lord, help residents find means to move into healthier communities. For those who are sick, we pray for quality medical care, and for the means to pay for that care, whether through their own resources or through recompense from those who caused this environmental disaster. Heavenly Father, we also pray for those who grieve the loss of loved ones—people of all ages who have succumbed to lead poisoning. We lament the death of so many babies before they were even born. We ask for protection for Phyllis Omido and her colaborers, who seek the well-being of Owino Uhuru. Give these advocates courage, wisdom, selflessness, and a shield of defense. We do pray for the truth to come out regarding the entire situation, Lord, so that people can be helped and so these deadly errors can be avoided in other communities. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Prayer after trauma of Southwest Flight 1380 emergency landing

Heavenly Father, today our hearts are with those involved with Southwest Flight 1380 after the trauma they experienced yesterday. First of all, we pray for the loved ones of Jennifer Riordan as they grieve her strange and sudden death. Bring them supernatural comfort as they navigate not only grief, but all the unique circumstances surrounding her death. Sustain them each day as they move forward after this heavy blow. Next, Lord, we rejoice that no one else was seriously injured. We are thankful for the courage shown by both crew and passengers, and for the steady hand and sound mind demonstrated by pilot Tammie Jo Shults during and after the emergency landing. We pray for helpful information about the situation to become known within an appropriate timeline so that similar incidents can be avoided in the future. We desire all involved in investigations and legal matters to display both truth and grace. Finally, Lord, we pray about the trauma of the incident for all involved. We are very aware that those who experienced this drama have all sorts of emotions, thoughts and images that have greatly impacted them. We pray against the development of PTSD in these passengers and crew members. We pray for feelings of fear and anxiety to soon be replaced with peace and trust. We pray for scary dreams to turn into deep sleep. We pray that each person involved in this emergency will process through the experience in due time, and then move forward with life in a healthy way, unafraid. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Prayer about flooding and landslides in Hawaii

Heavenly Father, today we pray about the landslides and flooding in Hawaii, particularly Kauai. First, Lord, we pray for anyone who might still be in danger: lacking supplies, injured or trapped in a place as yet undiscovered. Give the imperiled resourcefulness and strength to carry on. And we pray for rescuers to find them. Next, we pray for those who are trapped, yet with supplies. Give them continued courage, wisdom in how to use their resources, and peace despite this unique challenge. Lord, we pray for rescuers, who have been retrieving people via helicopter, boat, jet ski, bus, and whatever has been necessary. Give them clear minds, steady footing, stout hearts. May they bring not only rescue, but hope to those with whom they interact. As rescue operations wind down, may these brave souls find time for good rest, and may their loved ones support and encourage them. We pray for fresh water to get to those who need it as quickly and efficiently as possible. We also pray for the longer-term recovery efforts that will be taking place not only in Kauai, but also in Oahu and Hawaii, which also sustained flooding. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Prayer about slum relocation in Kigali
Lord, today we pray about the slum relocation in Kigali, Rwanda. Heavenly Father, as Rwanda and other African countries’ urban populations are exploding and slums are mushrooming, you see the many cities seeking realistic solutions. We pray for the new Savannah Creek housing project in Busanza, which features a solid infrastructure, including streets, plumbing, and even a school. We pray for the 1,000 families moving from neighborhoods with shared pit latrines to this new multi-million-dollar community. May the transition go as smoothly as possible. May gratitude reign and lead to a spirit of generosity and hope. May relocated families thrive. We also pray for the project to provide great insights for the many other urban centers seeking affordable, safe, sustainable communities for their high influx of residents. May they learn both the pros and cons of the Savannah Creek project so future projects will be even more successful. We ask your blessing on the Savannah Creek community. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Prayer about investigation surrounding accused serial killer in Toronto

Heavenly Father, today we pray about the massive investigation surrounding Toronto’s accused serial killer Bruce McArthur. Lord, we truthfully do not even like to think about serial killers. They turn our stomachs. However, we know this man is alleged to have killed at least seven real people who left behind loved ones with big questions. For some, those questions have lingered for decades. For them, we bring before you this situation and ask for truth to come out. We pray for investigators to have keen minds and eyes as they search for evidence and answers. We pray that any victims who have not yet been found will be discovered so that families and friends can find closure. We pray for those who have grieved the loss of their loved ones to have great strength as they deal with these issues being brought to the surface again. We pray those around the grieving will be extra-sensitive to this difficult time for them, and that they will find creative ways to show support. We also pray for Bruce McArthur, Lord. Please work in his heart, compelling him to come clean. Give him a strong desire to get right with you as he faces the wheels of justice. In Jesus’ merciful name we pray, amen.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Prayer about airport strikes in Germany  Photo credit: alliance/dpa/R

Heavenly Father, today we pray about the public sector workers strike that is preventing 90,000 customers from being able to fly as scheduled in Germany. This airport employee discontent is causing massive disruption in Germany and France, inconveniencing over 100,000 travelers. Though the inconvenience may seem small, we know these travelers are headed to funerals, weddings, loved ones they have not seen in a long time. They are making business presentations, taking much-needed vacations, and celebrating momentous occasions. They do have our sympathy. Lord, we pray for a quick resolution to negotiations. We pray for fair wages and integrity within all talks. We pray for everyone involved to have a broad perspective and consideration for others. We pray for the tens of thousands whose flights are being cancelled, that they would choose peace, rather than frustration. We pray for healthy communication and understanding. We pray for airline employees to have courtesy, fortitude and protection as they attempt to communicate with disgruntled customers about this situation that is actually out of their hands. Again, we ask for this situation to be resolved quickly and honorably. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Prayer about Canadian junior hockey team crash  Photo credit: @rjpatter, Twitter
Heavenly Father, today we pray for all connected to the Humboldt Broncos hockey team: surviving members, surviving leaders, parents, siblings, friends, community members, fans, and more. We know that the town of Humboldt, the province of Saskatchewan, and the nation of Canada are reeling from the terrible bus accident that claimed 14 lives and injured 15 others--some critically. Lord, we pray for the injured, that they would recover! We pray for excellent care, strong spirits, and great shows of support. May these survivors not only achieve physical healing, but mental, spiritual and emotional healing, having suffered such great trauma. Now, we pray for the grieving, especially the immediate families of those who have passed from this earth into eternity. You see their unbearable grief. Sustain them with the peace that passes understanding. Surround them with people who understand and serve them. May friends and neighbors be creative in supporting those who grieve. We pray for the community--locally and nationally--to continue to show the best side of humanity during this tragedy. May people demonstrate great love, compassion and humanity during this dark hour. May excellent events, memorials, etc., be created to honor these young men. And, Lord, we do ask for investigators to determine the cause of the crash as a step toward closure and peace for those who grieve. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Prayer for Christian community in Pakistan's Balochistan province after shooting of four Christians
Heavenly Father, today we pray for the Christian community in Pakistan's Balochistan province as they grieve the loss of four community members and fear for their own safety. Lord, first we pray for the loved ones of the family and rickshaw driver who were killed on their way back from a bazaar outing. Bring them comfort. Allow them to honor the memories of these loved ones through inspiring services or whatever best suits their situation. May their friends and relatives support them during this difficult time. Lord, we also pray for the rest of the Christian community in this region of Pakistan. Gird up their faith and courage as they face the reality that there are people who would like to kill them simply because they follow you. Give them extra sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's guidance as they live their lives, heeding your guidance of when to share and when not to share, and how to go about their days. May they thrive and grow as a community, and may nonbelievers around them be attracted to the peace and hope they have in you. We pray for the government of Pakistan to look out for its Christian citizens along with the rest of its citizens. We pray against the terrible work of ISIS. Thwart their efforts, sear their consciences, open their eyes. Lord, we would like to see you honored in Balochistan province in the coming days, months and years. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.