Saturday, October 30, 2021

Prayer as Myanmar's military junta burns Thantlang in Chin State

Lord God, Myanmar continues to be on our hearts, but we know that our concern is only a glimpse of your concern for your imperiled children. We grieve to know that the military junta continues to bring destruction upon its own people and land. We grieve the burning of over 100 homes and two churches within Thantlang, Chin State, this week. We grieve the terror brought on by burning, rocket-propelled grenades and other tactics the junta is using to torment the people of Thantlang. Lord, we think of the prophet Habakkuk’s lament: “Must I forever see these evil deeds? Why must I watch all this misery? Wherever I look, I see destruction and violence” (Habakkuk 1:3). Lord, we long to see you act in Myanmar. We long to see you act in Thantlang. We long for you to do something in our own day that is absolutely unbelievable (v. 5). Reveal your mighty hand in Thantlang, Lord. Bring peace to Chin State, Lord. We humbly plead, amen. Source: The Chinland Post

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Prayer about deadly explosion in Russia's western Ryazan province

Heavenly Father, we grieve Friday’s deadly explosion in Russia's western Ryazan province. We pray for the loved ones of the 17 workers who perished as they worked in the ammunitions disposal plant. We pray for investigators as they seek to discern the cause of the fire that launched a yellow fireball into the air above the building and then resulted in a scattered, charred ruin. We are thankful for Governor Nikolay Lubimov’s verbal commitment to improving safety in this and other “hazardous industries.” We pray that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation will successfully examine this plant’s history and that all involved will learn what can be done to prevent future accidents. Again, Lord, we think of the loved ones of those who were lost in this tragedy. Please comfort and provide for them. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. Source:

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Prayer about Bali island earthquake

Lord God, we pray for those impacted by Saturday morning’s earthquake on Bali. We are thankful that all affected people have been successfully and creatively evacuated across a lake, since the road was covered by the landslide. We are thankful that the search and rescue operation has concluded already. Yet, three people were killed in this natural disaster, including a three-year-old girl. While we are thankful that these numbers are not higher, for the loved ones of these three people, life will never be quite the same again. Please help those who grieve sense your presence and comfort. May they turn to you for complete healing. Rally their support networks to walk the long journey of grief with them. Also, if there is anyone who was missed in the search, somehow bring attention to them for rescue. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. PC: Antara Foto/Fikri Yusuf/via REUTERS Source:

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Prayer in response to report of extensive sexual abuse within French Catholic church

Lord God, we are overwhelmed by both grief and gratitude as the major investigation released Tuesday revealed the horrific extent of the sexual abuse problem within the French Catholic church. First, we thank you for truth coming out, as well as those who diligently and righteously pursued it. We celebrate the courage of those survivors who were willing and able to share. We are thankful that the commission was established by Catholic bishops in France and worked independently from the church these past several years. Next, Lord, we lament the more than 200,000 children whose abuse over the past 70 years has been uncovered! So many lives! So much brokenness! Lord, we ask for your supernatural intervention as the healing, restoration, redemption, and remuneration process proceeds. May the church’s promise to act come to the most beautiful fruition possible for these circumstances. May pedophiles be removed from all positions of influence and may the scourge of abuse within the global Catholic church continue to be corrected. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. Source:

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Quick update

I apologize for the lack of prayer posts. I have been sick. I continue to pray for the world and trust you are too. I will get back to posting as soon as I am able. Blessings! Isaiah 40:29