Father, we are heartbroken over the
loss of life from the recent airstrike at a market in Tigray. We grieve for the
30 people who were killed. We are even more distraught as we learn that help
was available to the injured, yet medical personnel were denied access to them.
Lord, the people of Tigray are living in a war zone and are in desperate need
of your intervention. The violence in this area has been escalating due to
conflict between the current and former government – political adversaries who
are mercilessly at odds. In addition, neighboring military forces from Eritrea
have contributed to attacks in the region. Father, this is a dire situation.
Please make your presence known among the Tigrayan people. Provide for their
needs and give them refuge. Bring peace and stability to the area. Help them to
focus their faith on you and to remain unshakeable in these turbulent times. In
Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer contributed by guest prayer blogger Brandi South:
More about this region's conflict: