Saturday, May 23, 2020

Prayer for homeless tent encampments in San Francisco, USA PC: AP Photo/Noah Berger
Heavenly Father, we pray for the estimated 8000 homeless people in San Francisco, California. You see how vulnerable this population always is, let alone during a pandemic. We specifically pray for the homeless tent encampments the city has authorized during these historic times. We are thankful that the encampments are fenced off to outsiders, monitored around the clock, and that the city provides meals, showers, clean water and trash pickup. We pray that these places will, indeed, be safe and healthy, and that the people who dwell there will feel cared-for. May any non-residents who have interaction with its residents treat them with dignity, and may those who live there look out for each other. Lord, we also know this is a temporary solution to a long-term problem. We pray for government leaders, non-profit organizations and churches to come up with lasting solutions for this population. May those who are homeless find the tools, resources and care they might need to find healthier situations. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Prayer about disrupted vaccination programs in Africa and beyond  PC: AP Photo/Sunday Alamba, File
Heavenly Father, we lay before you our grave concerns about the 60+ countries that have  reported suspensions of vaccination services during March and April. We know that the coronavirus pandemic has severely reduced available flights for transporting vaccines and that social distancing guidelines have hindered the large campaigns normally required to immunize mass groups of children. Lord, we would grieve if one fatal outbreak was replaced by another, such as polio or cholera. Especially with more than a dozen African countries reporting polio outbreaks this year, we know this is a serious, realistic concern. We pray that the World Health Organization would indeed issue promised advice next week and that the guidance would be doable, effective and quickly implemented. We pray for successful battles against cholera and measles, and we specifically pray for the eradication of polio in the very near future. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Prayer for mid-Michigan in the US as they deal with catastrophic flooding and Covid-19

PHOTOS: Catastrophic flooding in Mid-Michigan after Edenville Dam ...

Lord God, we pray for mid-Michigan in the United States as they deal with catastrophic flooding and breached dams, while also battling increasing cases of Covid-19. First, Lord, we thank you that no lives have as yet been lost. We are grateful evacuation notice was given quickly and effectively. We pray that no lives will be lost as this situation unfolds. Next, we express our grave concern about the Dow Chemical plant sitting on Midland’s riverbank, and the fact that flood waters are mixing with on-site containment ponds. We pray for whatever can be done to prevent dangerous chemicals from mixing with this water and harming people and wildlife. May Dow Chemical’s safety features all hold true, regardless of how severe the flooding may become. Lord, we express our frustration that nothing was done when the Edenville Dam was rated as unsatisfactory two years ago. We know this will complicate the situation as people, businesses and communities attempt to pick up the pieces of their lives and property when they get through the immediate crisis. We pray for truth and justice, and for all necessary lessons to be learned. We pray, Lord, that people will stay safe, including emergency personnel, and that the people of mid-Michigan will get through this double crisis as healthily and hope-filled as possible. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Praise and prayer about apprehension of Rwandan genocide perpetrator

Lord God, we are stunned and delighted that one of the most-wanted criminals from the Rwandan genocide has been apprehended more than 25 years after the fact: FĂ©licien Kabuga. Heavenly Father, it is dreadful and painful to think back on that blight on world history: a brutal ethnic slaughter, running unchecked through Rwanda, killing 800,000 people. But we must face and learn from our past. Please strengthen the survivors as Kabuga’s apprehension and trial bring up painful memories. Lord, we pray for Kabuga. We do not know the current condition of his heart, but you do. We pray he will turn to you, truly repenting for (allegedly) financing the merciless, massive slaughter of minority Tutsis in his nation. We pray for the justice system to move swiftly and above reproach in every way. May this process ultimately contribute to healing for all who need it. Lord, we pray that Protais Mpiranya and Augustin Bizimana, also earmarked for trial, will be found as well. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Prayer about surrogate babies awaiting pickup in Kiev

Heavenly Father, we pray for the dozens of surrogate babies awaiting their parents in a Kiev hotel, separated and delayed by the coronavirus pandemic. The reality is a bit shocking: a surrogate baby industry thriving in Ukraine: infants advertised as a “quality product.” Now the parents of 51 babies face extra hurdles to collect their newly born children as Covid-19 halts international travel. First, Lord, we pray for the children. May they receive the best care possible in the absence of actual parents. Please provide them with the love and attention, nutrition and medical care that they need to thrive. Next, we pray for their parents, who likely struggle, knowing their children are lined up with dozens of others, not receiving the kind of attention a family provides. Make a way for these parents to get to Kiev so they can pick up their children, and grant them peace in the waiting. Third, we pray for the medical personnel and other caregivers in the hotel, that they would have the strength, determination and support they need to care for this many infants under these pandemic conditions. May they embrace the great value in their work of nurturing these young lives, even while suffering under the pandemic in their own, personal ways. Finally, Lord, we pray for a healthy examination of this industry, now that it has come into greater light. If anything should change about how Ukraine handles this situation, may its leaders see that clearly and handle it wisely. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Prayer for Christian camping during the global pandemic

Christian camping is one of the world's most effective forms of evangelism and discipleship. Please join Walt Mueller in praying for this powerful ministry that is uniquely challenged during this time. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Prayer about toxic gas leak at Indian chemical plant

Lord God, we pray about the fatal gas leak in India’s state of Andhra Pradesh. The images and facts are overwhelming. With at least 11 people dying right where they stood or as they drove, having breathed in the toxic fumes, the situation must have been terrifying. We pray for the more than 1000 people who were exposed and the 25+ who are currently in critical condition. We pray for those who are still in the affected area, that they will be able to safely evacuate as soon as possible. We pray for the hospitals, overwhelmed with new patients amid the already chaotic coronavirus pandemic. Heavenly Father, the residents of this part of Andhra Pradesh need your intervention. Lord God, we also cry out for truth and recompense. We pray that any negligence committed by this LG Polymers plant will be revealed. We pray the company will take responsibility for their costly errors. We pray for shelter, food, and other basic needs to be met for those who have fled their homes for an undetermined time. Guide the region’s leaders as they seek to handle this emergency, and may citizens look out for each other, rather than taking advantage of this vulnerable situation. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Prayer about doctors falling from windows in Russia  (Image: Bloknot Voronezh)

Lord God, we are concerned about the frontline healthcare workers mysteriously falling from windows in Russia. We mourn Elena Nepomnyashchaya and Natalya Lebedeva’s deaths, which resulted from tragic falls from windows. We grieve Alexander Shulepov’s serious condition after his terrible accident, and we pray that he fully recovers and is able to communicate about what happened. Lord, only you know the full story about what happened to these selfless individuals, who have been saving lives during this coronavirus pandemic. We do ask for truth to come out so loved ones can have answers and so necessary steps can be taken to prevent future incidents. We pray for Russia as the nation battles Covid-19. Strengthen their medical workers and emergency responders. Grant wisdom to those who lead. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.