Thursday, May 30, 2019

Prayer about murder of Nusrat Jahan Rafi in Bangladesh

Heavenly Father, we are saddened by the murder of Nusrat Jahan Rafi and the horrific way she was killed. We thank you that this beautiful young woman had the courage to speak out when she was sexually violated, and she remained committed to speaking out even after the ruthless attack against her. We thank you that Nusrat’s parents supported her and we ask that you continue to be with them as they grieve. We pray that Prime Minister Hasina
will follow through on her commitment to justice against the sixteen people who have been charged, which includes students, the headmaster, and local politicians. Lord, although this was a truly heinous crime, we are grateful for the attention it has received and the discussion it has prompted. We pray that this will spark a significant culture shift in the way women are regarded in Bangladesh. We pray that victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault can come forward without fear of retaliation, and that all claims will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. We pray that women can continue pursuing their education in a safe environment. We are grateful, Father, that you are available to all those who seek you. May this tragedy turn many hearts to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer contributed by regular guest prayer blogger Brandi South:

Brandi South resides in Chambersburg, PA, with her husband, their daughter, and their two rescue cats. She is employed at Shippensburg University of PA and plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree starting in the fall. Brandi is a member of Grand Point Church in Chambersburg where she enjoys serving on the First Impressions Team as a greeter. Some of her favorite scripture passages are Psalm 25 and Ephesians 2.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Prayer about boat accident in Democratic Republic of Congo

Heavenly Father, we pray for all passengers who were on the boat that sank Saturday in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We are saddened by the nearly 50 people who died, including young children. We pray with hope for the almost 200 people who are still missing that there are a high number of survivors. Please aid the rescue efforts in the coming weeks by providing the necessary resources, workers, and conditions to make for a successful mission. Lord, we thank you with deep gratitude for the remaining passengers who survived. We pray that you bless their lives, ease their struggles, and keep them safe. We pray that the country’s leaders will work hard to improve the living conditions for all people. Guide them in making wise decisions, such as investing in infrastructure, with a focus on safety and sustainability. We pray that you will intercede and prevent any further loss of life due to poorly maintained and overcrowded boats. We praise you for being our refuge and redeemer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer contributed by regular guest prayer blogger Brandi South:

Brandi South resides in Chambersburg, PA, with her husband, their daughter, and their two rescue cats. She is employed at Shippensburg University of PA and plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree starting in the fall. Brandi is a member of Grand Point Church in Chambersburg where she enjoys serving on the First Impressions Team as a greeter. Some of her favorite scripture passages are Psalm 25 and Ephesians 2.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Prayer about bombing in Lyon, France

Father God, today we pray for those affected by the parcel bomb that detonated Friday in Lyon, France. We praise you that there were no casualties. We pray for the 13 people injured, for their physical wounds to heal fully and for their hearts and minds to find peace in you. We pray for the damage to local businesses, that the repairs are minimal and do not cause financial hardship. Lord, we thank you for the French police and for their commitment to pursuing the perpetrator. We pray that investigators can quickly identify and apprehend him. We pray that this person is cooperative and forthcoming with information as the investigators seek to gain insight into this attack. We pray that this is an isolated incident and not linked to a larger terrorist plot. God, we live in a broken world and struggle to comprehend the violence that occurs. We are reminded of our absolute need to put our trust in you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer contributed by regular guest prayer blogger Brandi South:

Brandi South resides in Chambersburg, PA, with her husband, their daughter, and their two rescue cats. She is employed at Shippensburg University of PA and plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree starting in the fall. Brandi is a member of Grand Point Church in Chambersburg where she enjoys serving on the First Impressions Team as a greeter. Some of her favorite scripture passages are Psalm 25 and Ephesians 2.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Prayer for malaria prevention efforts in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi

Lord God, we pray for malaria vaccination programs moving forward in Malawi, Kenya and Ghana. Though Mosquirix is not 100% effective, we are thankful for the 40% more children who will likely be saved from this deadly disease through the use of this vaccine. To hear the World Health Organization’s claim that one child dies from malaria every two minutes is deeply distressing. We pray for continued success in the fight against this disease, including early identification and treatment. We also pray that parents will follow the vaccination procedure properly, ensuring their children get all four doses according to schedule. We also pray for continued success with bed nets and other prevention measures, and that researchers will have continued creativity as they find additional effective solutions. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Prayer for the success of Cairo police in tracking down terrorists
Image: @EgyptDefReview/Twitter
Lord, we pray for Cairo police as they continue to battle insurgents in the Sinai Peninsula. We condemn the consistent terrorist attacks in this region, including the roadside bomb that struck a tourist bus near the Giza Pyramids Monday, wounding 17. We are thankful the police are making progress, having killed 16 militants in raids Tuesday--without any casualties among their own forces. We are also thankful for the success the police forces had in tracking down militants on Monday after the roadside bombing. Lord, we never like to hear of gunfights or deaths, but we also know these terrorists are intentional in killing innocent civilians whenever they can. We pray against their harmful work, and we pray that the police will continue to uncover Islamic militant rings in the Sinai Peninsula. Amen.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Prayer about French doctor charged with suspicious deaths
File photograph: Sebastien Bozon/AFP/Getty

Heavenly Father, today we pray for the mystery surrounding Dr. Frederic Pechier and his clinical work in the French eastern city of Besancon. It is quite disturbing to learn that investigators have found evidence linking Pechier to 24 out of 66 suspicious surgical incidents that have occurred at the clinic where he works. It is also distressing to learn that Pechier may have deliberately poisoned patients in order to heroically snatch them from the claws of death—and that nine patients have so far been determined to have died in the process. We pray for the truth to be clearly revealed in this situation so that Pechier’s guilt can be more firmly determined or so he can be exonerated. As this investigation unfolds, please provide clarity to investigators, conviction to those who need to come forward with more information, and comfort to those who grieve. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Prayer about cult-related deaths uncovered in Bavaria, Germany Photo credit: AFP

Lord God, today we pray about the deaths uncovered in Germany that appear to be the result of cult activities. It is so sad and disturbing to learn of the bodies of one man and four women being found, and to learn of their circumstances. We pray for the families of Torsten W, Kerstin E, Farina C, Gertrud C and the unnamed 19-year-old woman as they process not only their loved ones’ shocking deaths—some by cross-bow—but also how they got entangled in such unhealthy circumstances. We particularly pray for the family of the unnamed young woman, who has not yet officially learned of their daughter’s death. Prepare them for this blow, and have a network of support ready to surround them in their time of need. We pray that the truth about this group can be uncovered not for shock value but for the prevention of future similar tragedies. We also pray for the room maid who discovered three of the bodies to recover from her trauma. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Continued prayer against corruption in Romania

Heavenly Father, we continue to pray for the nation of Romania and its battle against corruption. We are thankful for the European Commission’s consistent efforts to expose and end the corruption currently festering within Romania’s judicial system. We pray that the warning letter sent to the Bucharest government last Friday would not fall on deaf ears, but that Romanian leaders will reverse measures that undermine the independence of its courts. Lord, we pray against Romania’s ruling Social Democrats’ efforts to protect corrupt politicians from legal action. May the truth come out about previous corruption, and may future corruption be prevented as much as possible. May the European Commission’s threats to keep Romania from becoming a member of the EU’s passport-free Schengen travel area and possibly limit the distribution of billions of euros in cohesion funds be the teeth needed to force government officials to act. As much as possible, please protect the ordinary citizens of Romania from the harm caused by greedy leaders. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Prayer against teen prostitution in Minnesota, USA
Photo credit: Carrie Snyder/The Forum
Lord God Almighty, we are absolutely heartbroken to hear the stories of teen prostitution in the state of Minnesota, USA. We are stunned to hear that pimps in Las Vegas call Minnesota “the factory,” because at least one in 10 prostitutes picked up by police in Vegas is from Minnesota. Lord, we pray for the state’s Bureau of Criminal Apprehension as they seek to eradicate this scourge, feeling like they have few success stories and comparing the problem to a termite infestation. Grant them the conviction, courage and determination to persevere in their work. Give them keen insight and wisdom as they connect with people within the network, and as they seek creative, effective solutions to this massive, entrenched problem. We specifically pray for Special Agent Quinn-Robinson, detective Wendy Lehner and Minneapolis vice officer Matt Wente as they press on with their work. Protect them and grant them success. We pray for parents in Minnesota, that they would not deny this issue, nor convince themselves that their children are not at risk. May they effectively communicate and connect with their children, as proactive means of protecting them. We pray for the St. Paul recovery center Breaking Free--that this organization and others like it would help women of all ages escape from this abusive, destructive cycle. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Prayer celebrating journalists' release from prison in Myanmar  Photo by Ann Wang/EPA-EFE

Lord God, we celebrate the release of prize-winning journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Seo Oo from Yangon's Insein Prison. Having prayed for these journalists since December of 2017, we rejoice that they have finally been released from their unjust imprisonment by the government of Myanmar. We are so happy to see them looking well after their 511 days in prison. And we are delighted that they are ready to get back to work, sharing the truth of what is happening throughout the world. We continue to pray for the terrible situation for the Rohingya in Myanmar—the story these courageous reporters were attempting to tell. Please grant Wa Lone and Kyaw Seo Oo a successful transition back to “normal” life, and bring healing wherever it is needed. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.  

Monday, May 6, 2019

Prayer surrounding trial of French telecom company Orange
AP Photo/Thibault Camus

Lord God, we pray for the French telecom company Orange, its former chief executive, and five other former Orange executives as they go on trial in Paris this week. Estimated at taking two months to complete, we know this will be a complicated and highly emotional legal process. Lord, these executives are accused of creating an "anxiety-inducing work environment" that drove 31 employees to suicide, with 19 workers successfully killing themselves. It is hard to imagine a workplace intentionally creating such stress, pressure and harassment. However, we also know the power of greed and sin, and that 19 people are dead. Lord God, we fervently pray for truth to come out throughout this trial—truth about the overall corporation, as well as each individual. May no individual who should be convicted avoid that, and may no individual who is innocent be unjustly punished. May this process be as efficient and honorable as possible. We also ask for protection, peace and strength for the grieving as they watch this process unfold and even, in some cases, participate. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Prayer surrounding the murder of Alan Culverwell at the hand of pirates

Heavenly Father, we pray for the family of Alan Culverwell as they grieve his death at the hand of pirates and move forward through the legal process surrounding his murder. Lord, we are thankful that three suspects have been apprehended and charged not only with Mr. Culverwell’s murder, but also with robbery, criminal association and mistreatment of a minor. We pray that the legal process will make very clear whether or not Leandro Herrera, Avelino Arosemena and the minor accompanying them are guilty of these terrible crimes. We pray that these men will repent and turn to you, and that they will apologize to the Culverwell family. We pray for Derryn Culverwell and her children to fully recover from both their physical and emotional injuries. Please raise up for them a loving, supportive network of people to help in the months and years of recovery that lie ahead. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Prayer about shooting at UNC Charlotte (USA)

Heavenly Father, today we pray for the UNC Charlotte community after Tuesday’s shooting on campus. We join the student body, the educators, and the families as they mourn the loss of two students, Riley Howell and Ellis “Reed” Parlier. We thank you for Riley’s bravery in confronting the shooter, Trystan Terrell, and for sacrificing his life to protect everyone else. We pray that you will be with the UNC Charlotte community as they process through their grief and move toward healing. Father, we are grateful for the first responders, for the increased security measures that schools have implemented, and for the targeted training they provide to educate people on how to respond in these situations. We are saddened by the increased gun violence in not only America’s schools but at places of worship, entertainment venues, and in the workplace. God, we pray for your protection and for your wisdom. Encourage our leaders to work together on solutions that will eradicate this violence. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer contributed by guest prayer blogger Brandi South:

Brandi South resides in Chambersburg, PA, with her husband, their daughter, and their two rescue cats. She is employed at Shippensburg University of PA and plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree starting in the fall. Brandi is a member of Grand Point Church in Chambersburg where she enjoys serving on the First Impressions Team as a greeter. Some of her favorite scripture passages are Psalm 25 and Ephesians 2.