Lord, today we pray for “Khaled” and his family, who have
been recently relocated away from Yemen and are seeking asylum in yet another
country—one where they will not face severe persecution. Lord, so many of your
children around the world are being persecuted for their faith. However, today
we pray for this specific family. We pray for Khaled as he grieves the loss of
his cherished wife, and we pray for his four children as they grieve the loss
of their beloved mother. Lord, we are thankful for the brave life “Samira”
lived, standing up for Jesus even though it meant humiliation, beatings, and
ultimately a painful, heinous death. Thank you for her testimony of forgiveness
with her dying breath. Lord, as her husband and children seek to rebuild their
lives in a new country, keep their hearts soft toward you. Keep their spirits
strong in you. May they continue to reach others for you. And, Lord, we do ask
for your mercy in providing them a place to start fresh and be surrounded by
others who will encourage and build them up, rather than bully and tear them
down. May they quickly be accepted for asylum in a safe and welcoming land. In
Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
A blog for world-changers who will take a few minutes a day to pray for something beyond their typical concerns.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Friday, July 28, 2017
Prayer for Turkmenistan - #19 on the World Watch List for persecution
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https://www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/world-watch-list/turkmenistan/ |
Lord, today we pray for one of the most restricted nations
in the world: Turkmenistan. We pray for the believers there, who know their
faith is considered illegal by their government. Lord, please help those who
are wire-tapped to be very discreet in their communication. Help them to know
when to speak and when to remain silent. Help them identify whom they can
trust. May they be effective in sharing their faith in the right settings.
Lord, we pray for those who are abused by their families and communities. Be
with them and strengthen them as you did for the apostle Paul in his darkest
hours. May your disciples in Turkmenistan be brave, strong and powerful. And
please grant them the peace that passes understanding as they spend their days
in a highly restricted, suspicious environment. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Prayer for VOM's Action Pack ministry
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https://etools.vomusa.org/a/vombm/bg_vombulkmail_vombm-201706-01_504.tml?_source_code=WEBAP |
Lord, today we pray for Voice of the Martyrs’ Action Pack
ministry. Heavenly Father, what a delightful opportunity to bless our
persecuted brothers and sisters around the world in a very tangible way! We
pray that many people would either fill or pay to fill Action Packs that could
encourage even more persecuted Christians around the world each day. We pray
that each individual and family who fills an Action Pack will be touched by
this opportunity to minister to others, and that they would be strengthened in
resolve to pray for the persecuted Church. We pray especially for those who
receive the Action Packs, that they would find just what is needed for the
moment inside. We pray for these brothers and sisters to be richly blessed by
this tangible reminder that they are not forgotten, and that their brothers and
sisters around the globe care about and pray for them. Lord, may this ministry
continue unhindered, with efficiency and prayer covering each step along the
way. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
To learn more, visit here: https://etools.vomusa.org/a/vombm/bg_vombulkmail_vombm-201706-01_504.tml?_source_code=WEBAP
Monday, July 24, 2017
Prayer for Anam and Rania as they serve persecuted believers in Pakistan
Lord, today we pray for “Rania” and “Anam” as they
serve the persecuted church in Pakistan. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for
drawing these Pakistani women to you, guiding them to salvation and hope in
you. Thank you for guarding their hearts and minds, despite experiencing
persecution--even to the point of a murdered relative for one and the loss of
homes and belongings for the other. We are thankful these women no longer hate
their Muslim fellow citizens, but have learned to pray for and reach out to them
in love. Lord, protect Rania and Anam as they continue to minister to
persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ in their nation. Give them the words
to say as people come to them after having experienced deep trauma. Help them
encourage, assist in practical ways, and relate with them, since they do share
in suffering for you. And, Lord, we thank you for your Word, which tells Anam,
Rania and all of us that “everyone
who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy
3:12) but we know “the testing of [our] faith produces steadfastness”
(James 1:3). Please help us press forward toward our heavenly home. Amen.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Prayer for Kenya in the midst of election season - #18 on the World Watch List for persecution
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https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-19/kenya-faces-risk-of-post-election-violence-u-s-agency-warns Photographer: Simon Maina/AFP/Getty Images |
Lord, today we pray for Kenya, which is #18 on the
World Watch List for persecution. Father, we are especially concerned about
Kenya as the nation is in its intense election season. We pray against the
spirit of violence, beseeching that Kenya’s habitual division along ethnic
lines will not erupt into aggression. We pray for your will to be done on
Election Day, August 8. And we pray for a powerful spirit of peace and calm to descend upon the nation after the election, regardless of the results. Lord, we also pray against corruption in Kenya. We know it is extremely difficult to undo
these entrenched patterns, but we pray that even these upcoming elections will
involve steps in the right direction. We particularly ask your powerful
conviction within Christian leaders’ spirits to honor you in all their
decisions so that they will not tarnish your message through their own
participation in corruption. On a different note, we pray against Al-Shabaab and other terrorists’ efforts in harming Christians within Kenya and beyond. Please frustrate their wicked efforts on every side. Woo these terrorists to you, your truth and your mercy. In Jesus’ name we ask your blessing on Kenya
today. Amen.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Praise for the successful prosecution of 60+ human traffickers in Thailand
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Photo credit: Reuters http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-40652012 |
Lord, today we celebrate the successful prosecution of
several key Thai leaders who participated in human trafficking in their country.
We are thankful General Manas Kongpan and
60 other people were sentenced to pay the penalty of their crimes against
humanity. Lord, you know we do not rejoice in the fall of these men and women.
We rejoice that steps were taken to end human trafficking in this land. May
these penalties of 4-94 years in prison cause others to halt their selling and
harming of vulnerable human beings. May those who are headed to prison meet
with you during their time there. May they seek a healthy direction for their
lives. And please continue to bring about justice for those who have fallen
victim to this terrible crime. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Prayer about increased sexual violence in Somalia and northern Kenya
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Read about these devastating concerns here: http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/14/africa/somalia-drought-violence-against-women/index.html |
Lord, it feels like there are no words for reacting to the
devastating consequences of the drought in Northern Kenya and Somalia. First,
to hear that reported cases of sexual violence against women have tripled is deeply
disturbing. Please protect these women as they search for food and water for
their families. Bring out the best rather than the worst in people as they
recognize that this is a humanitarian crisis. May they desire to help rather
than harm. And, Lord, to read of the dramatic increase in women and girls of
all ages turning to sex work in order to provide for their families… girls
charging only 50 cents and often not being paid or being beaten when asking for
the money… these are the times when we are most thankful for your Holy Spirit
interceding for us (Romans 8:26), because we cannot express the sadness in our
hearts. Lord, how do we even pray? Be with those girls. Meet them in their
pain. Help influencers make great strides in addressing the root problems in
this crisis. And, Lord, may your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as
it is in heaven. We humbly ask your help, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Prayer for Vietnam - #17 on the World Watch List for persecution
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https://www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/world-watch-list/vietnam/ |
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Prayer against female genital mutilation and praise for Michigan's better laws about the practice
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http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/michigan-imposes-prison-term-for-female-genital-mutilation-1.3498741 |
Lord, today we celebrate Michigan’s passing of more
stringent laws against female genital mutilation. We are thankful this state is
leading the way in cracking down on this barbaric practice that has no health
benefits. We pray that Michigan’s harsher penalties and educational outreach
will motivate people to reconsider the supposed importance of this practice.
Lord, we also pray against female genital mutilation worldwide. It can be
difficult to criticize other cultures’ or religions’ practices, but sometimes
the truth is clear. Female genital mutilation is harmful--like India’s former practicing
of cremating living widows along with their dead husbands (sati). Just as
Hindus now recognize that sati is barbaric, may Muslims realize that female
genital mutilation is shameful, torturous and oppressive. In Jesus’ powerful name
we pray, amen.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Prayer about the new world heritage site, Valongo Wharf, and slavery
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http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-40552282 |
Lord, today we pray about The Valongo wharf in Rio
de Janeiro, which was just declared a world heritage site by the
UN cultural organization, Unesco. Heavenly Father, this site where 40%
of slaves transported to the Americas arrived in the 17-1800s marks a blight on
human history. Yet this is one reason to remember what happened here: to be
shocked and dismayed, and to resolve to never let this happen again. We pray
for those who will maintain and educate through this site, that they will be
effective in moving people toward light and love as they witness a place of
such darkness and hatred. We pray for those who visit to consider modern-day
slavery and what they might do to stop it. Lord, give us all eyes to see those
around us as your precious children. May we treat each person with dignity, so
that we may avoid the slippery slope of dehumanizing fellow human beings,
whether through slander, cruelty or extremes like slavery. In Jesus’ name we
pray, amen.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Prayer for Uzbekistan - #16 on the World Watch List for persecution
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https://www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/world-watch-list/uzbekistan/ |
Lord, today we pray for Uzbekistan, where persecution for
Christians is very high. It’s hard to imagine living in a country where the
government bugs home, taps phones and infiltrates church groups with spies. It
makes us more thankful for the freedoms we have in living without constant
surveillance. Lord, please strengthen the believers as they attempt to lead
normal lives with an awareness of this constant watchfulness. May they
persevere in the faith even when their materials are confiscated and they are
detained and interrogated. May this pressure only strengthen their resolve and
enable your light to shine more brightly through them. We also pray for
converts from Islam to have special protection, as their own families are
tempted to exercise violence toward them. In Jesus’ name we pray for Uzbekistan
today, amen.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Prayer for Hamid as he shares Christ in Pakistan
Monday, July 3, 2017
Prayer about the loss of eight Indonesian rescue workers
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http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/02/asia/indonesia-volcano-helicopter/index.html |
Lord, today we grieve the loss of eight rescue
workers, whose helicopter crashed in central Java, Indonesia. We are thankful
these individuals were willing to board the
National Search and Rescue helicopter in order to assist endangered
tourists at the Sileri Crater area. What a tragedy that the rescuers
themselves ended up dying before reaching those in need! Heavenly Father, we
are thankful for the huge variety of rescue personnel (both volunteer and paid)
around the world who put themselves in harm’s way every day for the good of
others. What a picture of the kind of love you describe in John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s
life for one’s friends.” These Indonesian heroes were laying down their
lives for strangers. We pray that you will bless the loved ones left behind. We
pray the emergency responders’ legacy will be honored. And we pray that rescue
personnel around the world will receive support and encouragement as they
continue to serve their neighbors and countrymen. With gratitude we pray, amen.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Prayer for India - #15 on the World Watch List for persecution
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https://www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/world-watch-list/india/ Photo credit: Reuters/Adnan Abidi |
Lord, today
we pray for India, where our brothers and sisters in Christ are facing fierce
persecution from radical Hindus. Lord, we are distraught that the current
government has allowed radical Hinduism to increase through the lack of
consequences for those who commit violent crimes against Christian. The violence
is mushrooming because of this silent assent! Lord, we particularly pray today
for our brothers and sisters who have left Hinduism to pursue you. May their
families and friends love them for who they are and not view their choice as
treason or betrayal. Protect these disciples and give them courage. Lord, we
also pray for the Protestant Christian communities that are persecuted due to
their faith and outreach. Strengthen and guide them. Shore up their courage,
wisdom and grace. Lord, we pray for the Indian government—for the kind of
wisdom that generates excellent leadership and care for those they lead. May
India become a beacon of freedom, rather than a nation where people fear to
worship the one true God. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
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