Monday, May 21, 2018

Prayer about world-class athletes seeking asylum in Australia

Cameroon's Olivier Heracles Matam Matam went missing before he was due to compete
Cameroon's Olivier Heracles Matam Matam is among those who "disappeared" in Australia. Photo: AFP

Lord, today we pray for the 250 athletes and sporting members seeking asylum in Australia after April’s Commonwealth Games. First, we pray for the best situation for everyone involved. We pray for the Australian government as they sift through the hundreds of new cases, seeking the truth about these asylum-seekers’ needs. We pray for urgent cases to be very clear, and for those who most need it to find safe refuge and new opportunities in Australia as quickly as possible. We pray for those who have simply “disappeared” after the Games. We know that living illegally in a country is very controversial and difficult. We do not know these people’s circumstances, but pray that they would also end up in the healthiest and most appropriate situations possible. We pray for Refugee Advice and Casework service and other non-profits working with refugees, that they would have great wisdom in placing and assisting these refugees. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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