Saturday, December 26, 2015

Prayer for miners

Guo Xulei/Xinhua via AP
Lord, thank you that 11 workers have been rescued from the mine that collapsed in the eastern province of Shandong, China. We pray for the 18 workers who remain trapped. Give rescuers efficiency, perseverance and success as they continue their efforts. Hold back the continued hail of rocks in the destroyed mine shaft, so those at risk can be rescued soon and without injury. Lord, we pray for miners around the world. With the ever-present threat of cave-ins, gas explosions, fires, chemical leakage, electrocution and more, miners face danger daily as they seek to provide for their families and bring natural resources to the surface. Regularly convict their employers of the need for safety and conscientiousness. Help the miners to stay alert and exercise diligence. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Here is an update on this situation:
