Friday, September 23, 2016

Prayer for Christians in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan

Lord, today our thoughts and prayers turn toward those Christians living in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. Lord, we grieve that the Nuba people are so gravely mistreated by their government because of their faith. It is always sad when people lose their homes, jobs, freedom and even their lives because they choose to follow you. Thank you that our citizenship is in heaven. Thank you that our rewards are in heaven. Thank you for hearing the cries of the martyrs. You promise all these things in your Word. Please sustain those who are being persecuted for their faith in Sudan. Please help the truth to come out about what is happening so that the international community will put pressure on the right leaders. We pray against Sudan having success in implementing Shariah law. Lord, be glorified today in Sudan. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. 

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