Monday, December 5, 2016

Prayer about yellow fever epidemic
Photo credit: Jerome Delay/Associated Press

Lord, today we thank you that this year’s yellow fever outbreak did not become more disastrous. It is staggering to consider how bad things could have been, though we know from history how destructive this disease can be to entire cities and nations. Thank you for those who worked hard to get the vaccines where they needed to go. Thank you for the generosity of nations like South Sudan, who, though among the world’s poorest, donated 400,000 doses intended for its own children in order to stop the outbreak elsewhere in Africa. Lord, we also thank you for bringing good out of bad. Thank you that this outbreak revealed the inefficiency in getting vaccines where needed, as well as the need for more vaccinations in nations that are at greater risk of this virus. We do pray for the World Health Organization as its leaders seek solutions to this problem, and we pray for each nation to plan well for the health of its people. In the name of the Great Physician we pray, amen.


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