Friday, August 23, 2019

Prayer surrounding Google's shutdown of Chinese government YouTube channels
photo credit: DADO RUVIC/REUTERS

Heavenly Father, today we bring before you the responsibilities and complications that are part of Google’s existence. We are thankful that Google is growing ever-diligent in making sure its users are not creating harm through its platforms. We also know that shutting down users and blocking content are gray areas. We pray for wisdom for those who make these decisions at Google, as well as for other massive social media influencers. Today we are thankful that Google was able to prevent the Chinese government from spreading propaganda about the Hong King protests through YouTube. We are also thankful Google is taking action to protect users in Kazakhstan, where the government made attempts to spy on every citizen through a required a government-issued certificate. We are thankful for these positive steps taken, but always wary about privacy, censorship and the other significant issues associated with social media usage. Grant wisdom to us as individuals and to those who exert influence through social media companies. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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