Friday, August 9, 2019

Prayer to eradicate brutal police practices in Bangladesh

Heavenly Father, we are grateful for our law enforcement officials who work to bring peace and protection for all people. We respect their authority and we pray that you protect them as they encounter dangerous situations and risk their lives for the good of the many. However, we ask that you intervene in cases where some abuse their authority and act irresponsibly. Such is the case in Bangladesh where allegations of widespread police brutality have been uncovered by the United Nations. Lord, we pray for the work of the U.N.’s Committee Against Torture as they investigate these claims and work toward changing the culture in Bangladesh. We pray that the authorities in Bangladesh are cooperative and that moving forward they will prove to abide by their zero-tolerance policy on torture. Father, we recognize the importance of law enforcement and pray for success in diminishing crime. We pray that the police in Bangladesh are successful in their work while using methods that are effective yet humane. We praise you as our Creator and we pray that everyone will come to acknowledge the value of every human life. Lord, we have all fallen short and we lean on you heavily. Thank you for your unwavering faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer contributed by regular guest prayer blogger Brandi South:

Brandi South resides in Chambersburg, PA, with her husband, their daughter, and their two rescue cats. She is employed at Shippensburg University of PA and plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree starting in the fall. Brandi is a member of Grand Point Church in Chambersburg where she enjoys serving on the First Impressions Team as a greeter. Some of her favorite scripture passages are Psalm 25 and Ephesians 2.

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