Saturday, March 7, 2020

Prayer about missing Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow

Heavenly Father, the search for Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow continues. People across the United States and beyond are bewildered by the saga surrounding these two missing children: a mother whose personality seemed to completely change, suspicious deaths of spouses and relatives, a lightning-fast remarriage, religious zealotry, callous reactions to tragedy, disappearances, precious baby albums left as trash… this is not made-for-television crime, but real life for these families. Lord, we ask for answers; we ask for leads. We desire to find out what happened to these precious young people. We pray for breaks in the case, keen insights for all involved, and for anyone with information to come forward. Today, Lord, we also pray about the FBI’s most recent call-out for help from the public. We pray for the word to spread widely to all who were in Yellowstone National Park on Sep 8, 2019. May that day’s visitors hear of the need and take the time to look through all their photos and videos from that day. May people find clues that will assist in finding these children. Most of all, Lord God, we pray for the children’s mother, Lori Vallow Daybell, who refuses to cooperate with the authorities. We pray for deep conviction on her that compels her to do the right thing. May she speak truth, and may she do it very soon. We fervently pray, amen.


  1. Thank you. I am praying too.

    Jesus is our only hope.

  2. Very sad update:

  3. Update:

  4. Update:
