Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Prayer about package bombs in Austin, Texas


Lord, today we pray about the package bombs that are killing and injuring people in Austin, Texas, and the surrounding area. Not only are they causing great physical harm, but they are also instilling fear in this community. Heavenly Father, we ask for the truth to come out about these terroristic actions. We pray that the source of these bombs can be tracked down and the perpetrator(s) captured. Lord, we also ask for protection—that no more explosives may be successful. We pray for the person(s) behind this madness, that s/he would be convicted of his/her depravity and cease this violence. We pray for those close to this person (geographically and/or relationally) to observe suspicious behavior and immediately report it to authorities. Finally, Lord we pray for the wounded and grieving. May they sense your presence and comfort in a very real way as they recover from these sad crimes. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Update several hours after posting prayer: Austin bombing suspect kills self with explosive as police close in: report - Fox News https://apple.news/AH-rOSwNzSiua9KlHFppuWA

1 comment:

  1. Update: https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/22/us/austin-explosions-investigation/index.html
