Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Prayer to minimize COVID-19's impact on Brazil's indigenous communities

Lord God, we are concerned for Brazil’s indigenous groups, yet we know you are even more concerned for them. After all, you know the number of hairs on each person’s head (Luke 12:7). We lay our worries before you: their more vulnerable immune systems due to their historic isolation, their lack of sanitation facilities and healthcare, the distance to the type of healthcare required to treat COVID-19, their communal lifestyle, the nearest hospitals already being maxed-out, the tens of thousands of illegal miners who traverse through their territory regularly, and more. Lord, we present these concerns to you, asking for your intervention. Please work among the indigenous groups of northern Brazil and southern Venezuela in whatever ways are most helpful in these special circumstances. We pray for successful helicopter transport for those who need emergency medical care, and we pray for the efficient construction of the field hospital in Manaus that is intended for the many nearby indigenous communities. We ask for your help in Jesus’ name, amen.


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