Thursday, January 28, 2021

Prayer as Daniel Pearl's killers are released from prison PC: Mark Ralston

Lord God, we pray for the peace that passes understanding to guard the hearts and minds of Daniel Pearl’s family in coming days. May they cling to hope as they deal with the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s decision to let Pearl’s killers go free. Even though Pearl’s brutal death was in 2002, the publicly disseminated video of his beheading by terrorists was seared into people’s minds. To know that the cold-blooded killers will be released to live out their lives tears the scab off deep wounds for many. Heavenly Father, please bring healing. Please bring justice. Lord, please grant Pearl’s parents wisdom as they seek fair dealing through the legal system. We do pray for justice to be served. We also pray for the terrorists to turn from their wicked ways to you. May they do no further harm in the name of their God. We humbly pray, amen.

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