Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Prayer about attack on soldiers in Paris  AFP Photo/Thierry Chappe
Lord, today we pray for Parisian police as they search for the driver who deliberately rammed his car into soldiers at high speed. May video surveillance and eye witness reports be gathered and disseminated rapidly in order to capture the perpetrator. We pray for anyone who knows or suspects something to feel compelled to come forward with information. Father, we pray for those who were struck. First, we pray for the two who are seriously injured. May they receive excellent medical care and recover quickly. Next, we pray for all six soldiers, who were injured more than physically. These individuals who have committed to protect their nation were randomly and intentionally attacked as they went about their daily duties. Rather than feeling valued, they now have to feel alert and threatened even while quietly conducting mundane activities. May the outpouring of support they receive in the aftermath of this attack more than make up for the hurt they have sustained. And, Lord, we do pray for France as this nation has suffered the loss of 230 people to terroristic attacks in the past two years. May the leadership continue to persevere in its efforts to end terrorism in its land, and may the citizens of France act with courage and determination as they seek to move their nation forward, rather than being forced into submission by those who would unjustly dominate them. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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