Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Prayer of protection against mines in the Mosul area
Lord, today we pray for Salaam Muhammed and his work with the Mines Advisory Group. Please protect him and his team as they do the very significant and dangerous work of discovering mines planted by ISIS in Iraq. Help them to find, clearly mark, and ultimately disable these mines. Lord, we pray for the children of the Mosul area, that you would protect them from the thousands of mines that are suspected to be planted in their home region. We thank you for the teachers who are instructing them in how to avoid mines and other booby traps. May the children be vigilant, attentive and careful as they go about their days. Lord, it’s sad for us to pray these things, because we want them to be carefree children at play, but we know their reality is different than this. We also pray for all the families who are returning to their homes while there are still so many active mines. Delay as many families as possible until it is safe for them to return. May all be careful as they reenter their homes, so they may first disable the traps set for them. Lord, please give the ISIS fighters who commit such atrocious acts keen consciences so they will no longer endanger so many innocent civilian and children. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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