Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Prayer about California wildfires
Jesus, you walked on water. Even the wind and waves obey you. Knowing this, it is hard to watch so much destruction occurring around our broken, fallen world. These recent months have had overwhelming numbers of both natural and human-created disasters. People want to hide from the world, while others cry out, “Come, Lord Jesus!” So today we acknowledge our pain and frustration to you. We acknowledge that we are incredibly dissatisfied with the condition of our world. And we ask for the courage to carry on, the fortitude to keep being the best people we can be in our own corners of the world. May we bring light and hope and practical assistance to those around us. And, Lord, we ask you to send rain to California. We want the wildfires to stop. We grieve the loss of more than 20 people and wonder what we will hear about the 500 who are still unlocated. We know hundreds of families have lost all earthly possessions. Businesses will find themselves unable to carry on. Hearts will require healing for years to come. We ask for minimal loss from this point forward. And we ask for generosity of both spirit and material possessions when people finally have the chance to start again. Finally, we pray for the firefighters, who are being taxed beyond all their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual resources. Hedge them in. Strengthen their souls. Give them unusual effectiveness as they sacrificially fight these fires, even as they process their own losses. We humbly plead; amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Update:
