Monday, October 2, 2017

Prayer about mass shooting in Las Vegas
Lord, have mercy on us this morning. When a lone gunman shoots hundreds of strangers in cold blood, killing almost 60, we cry out in agony for healing in this land, healing in our hearts. Lord, our world continues to decay. Sin continues to have its day. Heavenly Father, we ask for your presence to be very real and very comforting in Las Vegas today. The grief is overwhelming, the chaos and fear very real. We pray for those fighting for their lives in hospitals at this very moment. Please bring medical caregivers supernatural clarity and efficiency as they handle this massive, human-created emergency. We pray for those frantic about their loved ones’ safety to find answers, to learn about the emergency hotline, and to be surrounded by peace and support. We pray for the loved ones of those who have passed from this earth in this tragic, frustrating way. They have long roads ahead, as do those who have been traumatized in other ways by this incident. Bring alongside loving friends and family members, wise counselors, emotional and spiritual resources—all along the journey, rather than just the immediate aftermath. We also pray for Jason Aldean, his band and his crew, as they now have this very real trauma associated with their livelihood. Bring healing, comfort and courage to them as well. Finally, Lord, we are thankful the gunman was stopped. We pray for answers in the days to come. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


  1. Most recent article related to the Las Vegas shooting:

  2. Update:

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