Friday, June 21, 2019

Prayer celebrating the conviction of the Wolf Pack

Lord, we celebrate the conviction of the “Wolf Pack” in Spain’s Supreme Court. After more than a year of protests over the previously lighter conviction of Jose Angel Prenda Martinez, Angel Boza Florido, Jesus Escudero Dominguez, Antonio Manuel Guerrero Escudero and Alfonso Jesus Cabezuelo Entrena, who gang-raped an 18-year-old, we are delighted that the Supreme Court determined that this victim had indeed been coerced into the violent acts committed against her by a group of intimidating men. We pray that Spanish lawmakers will continue assessing the criteria they use for evaluating such cases in order to make sure justice is effectively carried out in the future. We pray that this group of men will use their 15 years in prison to contemplate their entire mentality—a thought process that would allow using a woman in such a way, bragging about it, and then publicizing video footage. This reveals the depravity of humankind. Redeem their minds and souls, Lord. Thank you for hearing our cry for justice, Lord. Thank you for bringing it about in this case. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

1 comment:

  1. Update regarding overall situation:
