Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Prayer for rescue efforts after Albania's largest earthquake in decades

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7725663/Fears-damage-6-4-magnitude-earthquake-hits-rattles-Albania.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead&fbclid=IwAR0EI41G4VVhCgDDzkP2rCQ2lRbtO4oLlMjHmBr4YabgRgN-08eng4LzFJE  PC:Reuters

Lord, we fervently pray for rescue efforts underway in Albania right now. After a 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit the nation this morning, we are concerned for those who are still trapped in the rubble. Please help rescue workers find them as quickly as possible, and to safely extricate them from the debris. We pray for the injured who have been freed to receive excellent medical care, and for the injured who are still trapped to use fortitude, courage and resourcefulness to hold onto life and help rescuers find their locations. We pray that onlookers will not only stay out of the way of rescuers, but also figure out ways to contribute to the rescue and relief efforts. Lord, we pray for your peace to descend over Albania as people deal with this chaos and loss. We pray for courage wherever needed. We pray for those who grieve over those who have already been lost. We particularly pray this morning for the family of the elderly woman who saved her grandson by cradling him with her body, losing her own life in the process. Grant her loved ones peace as they honor this woman’s courage and sacrifice, while grieving her loss and celebrating the rescue of the grandson. May her life inspire others as the nation moves forward into the longer-term recovery and rebuilding efforts. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


  1. Update: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-albania-quake/search-for-albanian-quake-survivors-at-hotel-to-resume-at-daybreak-idUSKBN1Y31CV. Prayers still needed.

  2. Update: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-albania-quake-arrests/albania-seeks-arrests-for-quake-deaths-in-collapsed-buildings-idUSKBN1YI0I6
