Lord God, on
this International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women we
particularly pray about the domestic violence that has increased during the
pandemic. With shelters around the world at capacity and helplines in some
places seeing a five-fold rise in calls, we are very concerned. It’s
shocking to hear that so far in 2020 30 women have been murdered in Portugal--half
of them victims of domestic violence, and that, statistically, a woman in Germany
is attacked by her current or former partner every 45 minutes.
Lord, please continue to bring awareness to these issues. Motivate people of
influence to act. We pray that Portugal’s video campaign called #ISurvived
will effectively get out the word about resources available for those caught in
domestic violence. We pray that other nations and communities will come up with
creative ways to help those in need. Most of all, we pray for those in unsafe
environments. Be with them. Give them courage. Help them to escape or find
needed assistance. May those who endanger admit their problems and also seek help.
In Jesus’ merciful name we pray, amen.
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